Sunday, March 9, 2008

Knitting a sweater.

Most knitters that I know, in person and in blogland need to have a few projects on the go, a few projects ready to start and several projects in their mind or they feel panic and distress. They also need to have a few books on the nightstand or they feel naked and vulnerable. I guess I am the same.

But I have been concentrating mostly on my Nantucket Jacket and I am not a very fast knitter so it is taking me a long time. I have finished the back and one side, working on the other side. And loving it! It's an interesting knit, challenging enough but not stressful.

Along with knitting mostly one project, a trip to Melbourne, dental surgery and a new tenant, I have been blogless for a while.

But now there are these.....

Lovely Evelyn Clark 'Go with the flow socks' - second pair out of Favorite Socks.

And this - another hottie bottie cover for a birthday present for a friend.
With i-cord buttons. I like them.

Now back to my lovely sweater! See ya.


Anonymous said...

Love the i-cord squiggle. And can't wait for winter to try out my very own hottie.

Bells said...

GWT is a great pattern. I plan to do it many times. Yours came up so beautifully!

And nice work on the i-chord detail. I tried attaching it to a project once and couldn't get it right. Yours looks lovely.

Denise said...

What a great hot water bottle cover! And the sock looks just stunning :)

Monika said...

Lovely socks, and the hot water bottle cover looks great.