Monday, August 27, 2007


Since most of my knitting at the moment is secret squirel stuff (except for the red chinese vest which I am knitting in grey/blue alpaca from Bendigo!) I am going to write about other stuff in my life. Every year on my birthday I set a task for myself. One year I gave up trying to tell jokes (I always miss a key point in the telling and get a sea of blank faces at the punch line!! Very discouraging). This is the year for making my little world a more positive and fun place by doing and enjoying little things. I have some amazing mentors in this field and people help me everyday who don't even know they are helping.

So I am going to blog about my attempts at living a more lovely life for the second half of my life - and making these lovely things life-long habits.

Breakfast is my first hurdle of the day. I can get up early. I can jump in the shower. I can clean my teeth and easily decide what to wear for the day. But what to have for breakfast is a challenge. I don't really feel like eating anything. I never have been a breakfast girl. But I have read more than my fair share of dieting books and they all say "breakfast is the most important meal of the day"! OK I believe it!

So I'm going to make breakfast an event instead of a meal. I gathered all my books, read up on what I actually need in my diet that I am not getting from chocolate and tuna and have decided on a smoothie! I got skim milk, fruit, soy product, fiber, linseeds and almonds, protein powder and a vitamin. I know that this might not sound like an eureka moment for some but it is for me. But how do you make a smoothie an event? I put some Sergio on the stereo, open the curtains to the gorgeous sunny day and sit down at the table.

It's a start!! Now I am ready to face my day with the most important meal of the day accomplished in style.


Bells said...

You are a genius! I say it's all about the glass. Good work!

Georgie said...

Who said presentation isn't important?

I love breakfast, favourite meal of the day. I've been known to eat breakfast for lunch and dinner too. Certainly a very good step along the path to loveliness!

Keep a bag of frozen berries in the freezer and throw a handful in - yum! Honey is always a nice touch too.

Anonymous said...

I know that breakfast has been a hurdle for you. But what a solution! Such an event. I'm proud.

I agree with Georgie - try the frozen berries - a whole new experience. Sort of a smoothie slushy. mmmmm. Just right for springtime.

Denise said...

I'm not really good at breakfast either - but I like your solution! Yum, I could handle a smoothie in a fancy glass any day too!

Good on you for making positivity and fun a priority - very important!