Friday, June 29, 2007

Joy of Seats and Socks

My mode of transport has changed dramatically in the last month. I am almost exculsively bike and bus these days. I share a bike with a friend but it lives at my house and I ride it to work every day (when it's in working order, that is) And I love it. It is one of the most enjoyable parts of my day. Even when it is cold and I am battling 50 km winds (not really! just feels like it) I am still happy. But there was a major problem. My ass! It is big and beautiful but it hurt like hell!

I couldn't get off the bike easily after my 1/2 hour ride and that is not a pretty site for passerbyers. When an older woman is stuck with one leg over the seat - they hesitate to help but you can't really tell them "that's OK it's just my bum is bruised!!" Anyway, after suffering for a month or so I took the problem in hand with the help of an allen key and good friend and bought THE most comfortable seat I could afford!
It is a joy. It has gel and springs and I feel like a queen on it. I want to ride it everywhere. And I don't walk like I've been on a horse for two months.
Now I want to deck it out - basket, horn and a really cool lock. I'll put flowers and bread in the basket ... no this is not Italy in summer this is Canberra in winter. I need thermal gloves and hand warmers!
And there have been more socks. I am still working on the cable socks but these are for another friend in Seattle. He used to live next door to my parents and looked after them for about 10 years while I was over here living the high life!! Yeah right!

Now he lives one block away and is going thru some major health problems but he is still there for my parents when they need him and they have been there for him. Anyway, he deserves a pair of socks more than anyone I know at the moment so these are for him. And he makes the best baklava I have ever tasted!

And the photo is much closer to good colour - thanks for the advice Jejune.

By the way - I love being in blogland. I have talked to people I have had a secret crush on for years, made new friends and impressed old friends (that's fun too). I feel like I have found a whole new community to be part of and I like it. So thanks and happy trails.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That bike will be unrecognisable in its original form soon. So glad it's getting some good use and giving you such pleasure.