Monday, December 8, 2008

Not in the mood.

After some more fairly devastating family news this week all the omph has gone out of me. I'm not in the mood for anything - not knitting (all I do is sit and think), not reading (can't concentrate), certainly not going to work (people are there) or doing anything around the house. So I am indulging in nothing and Christmas will just have to come and go without me this year.

I did go out into the country this weekend - isn't it lovely?

And a old pretty cemetry - all near Gundaroo.
Maybe I need a more 'active' form of creativity to absorb me - so I don't have to think - like painting? What do you do when you don't want to think for a while?


Monika said...

I'm sorry you feel like that right now, and I understand completely, because I'm struggling with the same thing. If nothing else seems right for me, I'm listening to music, a lot of it too. Not very productive, but good. All the best!

Olivia said...

I'm so sorry you're feeling that way and I hope things look better soon.

Bells said...

I'm sorry Rhonda. I know that feeling all too well. I escape anyway I can find. Sometimes it's a bottle of wine, sometimes it's my garden. I do think that getting active is good. It does take you out of yourself.