But now, my computer is losing the plot - thus the 'slow as' saying. It is acting as if it's feet are mired in mud and I expect a squelching sound when it tries to move from one screen to another. I think I have used all it's juice this month already. Probably due to those baseball games I have been watching!
So, shhh, but I am loading this at work today, because it has been ages since I blogged and I miss it. Not that I have that much to show and tell.
I had to laugh at myself last night as I was settling down to my real work after my chores were done. I had three - count them - pairs of specs in my shirt front. One for DVDs, one for reading and one for close up work. Normally I can get away with two pair but I am doing some finer embroidery work at the mo. It isn't too fine but I use my Daddy's reading glasses every chance I get so... Notice they all have browny reddish frames so I have to have glasses on to see which ones I need. Oh, I just try them all on one at a time and see what I can see. It works for me.
By the way - that's my new kitchen counter top showing under my socks.
So - back to work now - well, not my real work - the work I do 2 1/2 days a week somewhere where I get paid - and not for blogging. Please, don't tell.
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