Sunday, July 27, 2008

Pay it forward.

I had a lovely afternoon today with my girlfriends - just a ladies lunch at a friends house. There was soup, really lovely antipasto pasta, chocolate cake, fudge and chocolate covered ice cream balls, wine, tea and some knitting. One friend is a crocheter and she made some lovely cushions- no photos as I forgot my camera - so you'll have to take my word for it.

Knitting - I am almost finished with the three little wee jumpers and will finish them this week, wash them on the weekend and mail them next week. It is way to boring to show you a picture of them again, but that is all I am working on. I've been keeping busy with other stuff too - like cleaning out my house so my friends who are going to look after my dogs while I am overseas won't get the shock of their lives when they open the door to the back room.

But this post is about a lovely little project I am partaking in with Nettie - Pay it forward. Maybe you have already heard of it or taken part in something similar already, but if you haven't maybe you would like to sign up with me.

It works like this. The first three people to sign up with me will recieve an Rhonda-made something (?) within the next 12 months. And then you pay it forward to three someones who sign up to pay it forward to someone else. What a lovely concept - how can I resist. I will love thinking up something wild and wonderful to make for someone. I love the idea of making something for someone 'just because'. And I love the idea of sending a present to a new friend for no reason other than they said they will do the same. Cool.

You know, if everyone who plays this just gets three people to play in the next twelve months I reckon 1,594,323 people will get a handmade gift in the mail. How happy will that make the world? (that's 3 to the power of 12!)

If you want to continue the game just leave a comment. I'm with Nettie tho - it will be a little embarrasing if no one reads my blog and therefore no one signs up but, well, at least I tried, hey?

1 comment:

Olivia said...

I'm still reading, Rhonda! Sign me up.